Tuesday, May 11, 2021

We are Seventh-day-Adventists

 Title: We are Seventh-day-Adventists

Opening: 598

Closing Song: 600

1 Cor 10:11-12


11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.


Song: 600 Hold fast till I come

What are we going to talk about?

In this little discourse I seek to re-establish the old time religion, Ithink Jude said it best. Turn with me to Jude 3.


Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Jude says it was needful for him to write.

 I assume because the brethren had begun to lose their way. They had begun to forget why they were doing the things they were doing. They no longer saw the need for the fellowship and the coming together that they once did before.They were losing sight of Christ.

But Jude is here admonishing them that they need to strive for their original faith. In Jude's mind the Brethren needed to be purposeful in striving for the faith that was originally delivered unto them and the early disciples.   

Just as Jude did back then, I believe it is necessary to echo this sentiment now, especially since I am observing the same things.

What do I mean? What are you observing?

Since the dawning of Covid restrictions, some of our brethren have lost their zeal, and have begun to lose sight of the reason for their faith. Some no longer see the need for coming together, and some have even gone further to think that their faith is in vain.

After our little discourse tonight, I am hoping not only to keep the wavering flames of those who are working lit, but also to rekindle the fire of those whose fire has gone completely out.

May all my listeners this evening be re-energized and feel renewed strength to commit to their faith.

Tell Me- The ceremonial and weekly services

Now in this discourse, I will be asking several questions. You do not need to answer these questions aloud, for some questions are simply rhetorical and do not need an answer,  while others are just fruit for thought. With that being said let us begin proper.

Let us pray

We know the bible stories all too well and we claim we celebrate the Sabbath every single week; but are we truly making the applications that we need to make? Is there a greater truth being alluded to, that we keep missing?

Don’t feel bad the Israelites of old were in the same predicament. They too missed the applications for the things that they were doing. By this characteristic, we only seem more like Israel of old; after all aren't we a type of Israel?

The Israelites of old were celebrating the weekly and the ceremonial Sabbaths; they were offering the ceremonial lambs at the times and in the ways that they should. Yet , they totally missed it when the high sabbath came and the Lamb of God was offered and laid to rest. 

Even though the Jews were confessing with their mouths and actions that the 1st day of the Passover was upon them, they could not see that what they were about to do. (i.e., murder the Messiah) was something prophesied by the very rituals that they claim they had been observing for years. (john 18:28-32)

Are we like Jews of Old?

Till this day it stumps me how some astrologers (people who worshipped the stars) from some far eastern country, had consulted the Jewish scrolls and found the place of birth of the Messiah, but the Jews who had the inspired books totally missed it.

The Israelites had been observing the feast days on the days appointed. These days pointed to the different things that the coming Messiah would do. They had the detailed writings of various prophets and still missed the Messiah's birth. 

The blatant question to ask here is "Have we like them become blind to the truth that our weekly rituals point to?"

According to Paul in our scripture reading, we have.

1 Cor 10:11-12

11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Exposition of scripture

Understand what Paul is saying here. That these things were written so that all readers could learn from them, but much more us upon whom the end of the world has come.

Ensample vs Example

Note the word Paul chooses to use is not example, but rather ensample.

 Wait a minute, is there a difference?

Some may be thinking that this is old English, and to some extent you are right; however please note that the word example is used in the same chapter in verse 6.

What this tells me, therefore, is that the tanslator(s) knew the difference and was/were communicating something very specific here.

 The difference can only be perceived when both words are defined.

The word example refers to a thing that has similar characteristics.

Like Eve is an example of a woman. She has all the traits and features of a woman and therefore she is a fitting example.

However, the word Ensample refers to something more than just an example. This word refers to a type or shadow.

Bible scholars will immediately know what I am talking about, but let me explain anyhow. 

We know that a woman in scripture is a type of church. Right!? In other words, a woman is an ensample of a church. 

Also, a woman giving birth, in a prophetic sense represents an ensample of a church going through a change or stage, and so we understand that the woman giving birth in Revelation 12 is to be regarded as the symbol of the New testament church….

 Or let me mention the classical example which we often quote, and all church folk of every denomination understand. 

Gen 3:15 , these words were spoken directly to the serpent, however, we understood from that verse that the woman mentioned is the church and the man seed mentioned represents Christ.

I hope this is clear.

If not let me visit one more explanation. 

We know and understand how the Jews killing the lamb was a type or an ensample of what was to come. In this case it was the fact that Jesus was to lay down his life  for all mankind.

Even in this very chapter of 1 Cor 10 Paul references an ensample/type. 

In verse 2, he mentions the passing through the red sea by the Israelites as their baptism. Incidentally Jesus fulfilled this type/ensample by being also baptized. So we too being modern Israel should also be baptized.

Baptism today is used as an ensample to represent the death and burial of the old man and then the resurrection of the new man.

The importance?

So why am I mentioning all of this?  What does this have to do with now?

The truth is, it has everything to do with now. 

Most Adventists pride themselves on the fact that they know which weekly day is the Sabbath. 

But Are we overlooking what the name chosen for our organization is pointing to?

 What do I mean?

Some of you know the history of the name Seventh-day Adventist. If not I implore you to research it. Please allow me to give a short synopsis for the unknowing. 

After the great disappointment in 1844, there was still a faithful few who continued to meet. They continued to observe the Sabbath and still looked forward to the Lord's coming. 

In one fateful meeting, it was decided that they needed to name their group, if they were to continue meeting and experience growth. 

The name Seventh Day Adventist was settled upon by a vote of 24-1, and if that was not enough Sis White later received a vision confirming that God was pleased with the name chosen.

The name was coined based on the premise of the imminent return of Jesus and that the sabbath is the seventh day of the week.  Truths held very dearly at the time. Not that these truths are not still dear,  but there is more to our name.

The truth is that these two doctrines found in our name, placed together point to something way greater, than we often allude.

It is important for me to remind you at this point that the name was confirmed by vision by God to Sis White, this can be found several places in her writings.

Now I ask that you open your minds a little and think with me.

Could it be that the two truths that make up our name was to inform the believers (upon whom the ends of the world had come; like our scripture reading says? ) Could it be that we are to be looking for the return of Christ after the 6th day is complete, i.e. the 7th day? 

Now if a day is a thousand years, then the return of Jesus would be at the commencement of the 7000th year, which would make this the 7th day.

In other words, the name we now bear was to represent the 7th day advent of our Lord. 

Now there are multiple places in inspired writing telling us that sin only has 6000 years, consequently this seems like a fitting conclusion

So we are not merely Adventists, but we are 7th day Adventists, looking for the soon appearing of our Lord on the 7th day.

I cannot now go into detail about the prophetic week being 7000 years, but I will say that the coming of Jesus is closer now than when we had first believed.

 If you had your doubts about the church it should be removed now. 

There is a common fad in social media now. Where they tell you to name a thing without actually usung the things name.

For example, if somene were to say to you. Tell me you are 7th day adventist without telling your're 7th day adventist.

You should point to two fundamental doctrines. Namely the Sabbath truth and the belief about the imminent return of Jesus. 

Now think with me. If you were John writing to a people hundreds of years in the future how would you describe the Sabbath truth and the belief about the soon return about Jesus?

I would say that these people observe all the 10 commandments of God and they have correctly interpret prophecy.

Something which is echoed in Rev 14:12. Here is the patence of the sainats: Here are they that keep the  commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (return-added for emphasis).

Isn't it a wonderful thought that you are not merely a part of a random international organization, but one that  that is also God-sanctioned? The two truths that came together to make our name also trumps a different message together about the soon coming of our Lord.

What did we talk about?

 I hope I did not lose you when we spoke of the Jewish ceremonial services pointing to something greater. 

However since I did make the distinction between ensample and example, we should strive not be like Israel of Old and miss the things that our current rituals point to.  

It should be clear in the mind of all, that the name of our organization says it, whichis is that the coming of Jesus is really, really close. 


For years we have been talking about Matth24: and its fulfillment. We are literally witnessing the final events of Earth history.

Brethren give your salvation much thought. Do you know how to apply the power, which is in the blood, so that you can be saved when Jesus returns? If not, now is this time to find this out.

Spend much time in secret searching for the Lord. He has promised you will find Him.

If you wait till He is piercing the clouds to do so, it will be too late then; and no matter what your excuse will be  for not seeking the Lord while He may be found, it simply won’t be good enough, and you'll be lost.

Heb 2:3 asks the question.

How shall we escape if we neglect, are careless with our salvation?

However, the answer is simple, we will not escape.

These are my few words